ICT in Year 6

Date: 10th May 2022 @ 4:19pm

This year, in Year 6, we have used ICT in lots of creative ways. 

We have created our own songs based on our class book ' The Selfish Giant' using garage band. We think some of our children may have budding careers in the music industry. 

In English, we became movie makers and created film trailers to refine our prediction skills. 

With the use of ChatterPix, we have produced reflections on our learning about Anne Frank and recorded our French knowledge about shapes. 

Using our amazing new green screens, we got in role as David Attenborough and spoke about the fascinating, flightless bird that is endemic to New Zealand: the kakapo!

We have also become expects in researching a wide range of topics including: The Blitz, Charles Darwin, tigers and the Galapagos Islands. 





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