Safer Internet Day

Date: 17th Feb 2022 @ 4:00pm

The week beginning 7th February began with Mrs Salisbury leading a Safer Internet Day assembly reminding children about ways to stay safe when using technology. The presentation included an interactive quiz where children had to consider whether a message was appropriate or inappropriate to send. During the week, pupils have engaged in activities in class to raise awareness of the possible dangers of the internet and online gaming in a sensitive and age appropriate way.

Children in Year 2 listened to the story of Digi Duck and then completed a sorting activity to determine which information should be kept private online.

Year 3 played some scenario games and explored the best ways to react to different things that can happen when we play online games. They played a code breaker game to crack what we should keep to ourselves when using online gaming.

We can all suggest ways to keep safe using online gaming and what to do if something happens that makes us feel unsafe or worried. 

Year 5 discussed different scenarios and then used drama to explain how to react in a respectful way.

Year 6 created some informative posters using Picolage to educate others on how to stay safe online.

We hope that if you found the Parents' e-safety talk led by Steve Woods informative and useful. If you were unable to attend, there is lots of information on the school website about E-Safety.

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