Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Elston

Mrs Elston

2EI Class Teacher

Mrs Inns

Mrs Inns

2EI Class Teacher

Miss Carter

Miss Carter

2C Class Teacher





Welcome to Year 2 


If your child is in Team 2C Class, their Class Teacher is Miss Carter. If your child is in Team 2EI Class, their Class Teachers are  Mrs Inns a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and Mrs Elston on Wednesday morning, Thursday and Friday. Year 2 Classes are supported by Mrs Boaden, Mrs Harding and Miss Wynn-Hughes, our Teaching Assistants.

Year 2 TA 2024.png

Key Information This Term 

  • Children should wear full uniform and black school shoes each day unless they have PE or Forest School, in which case, they should arrive wearing their kit. They will remain in their kit all day.

  • Children should not need to bring pencil cases, PE kits or other personal items to school. Children will be provided with their own stationery for use in school.

  • Children should bring a water bottle with their name marked on it.

  • Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be provided with a free meal at lunchtime.

    There will be a choice of hot food and sandwiches each day.

  • Staff will encourage hand hygiene and positive hygiene practices throughout the day.




Each week children will receive a piece of homework. It will normally be set on a Thursday, to be completed by the following Tuesday. If your child is finding any part of it difficult, please ask their Class Teacher who will be happy to help. 


Children in Year 2 should be reading at home for a short time every day. Regular practise really helps them to become confident readers. Children will be responsible for changing and choosing their own books. Please continue to sign the reading record books so that we know that your child has shared their book with you. This is monitored by class teachers.


Useful Websites for Additional Learning




Children will have PE twice a week. Your child will need a full PE kit from the beginning of the academic year. 


Year 2 – 6 children will have PE outdoors and therefore will need to wear their outdoor PE kit to school. They do not need to bring their school uniform to school. In warm weather, children can wear black/navy shorts and a plain white t-shirt. In cooler weather, children can wear grey/navy/black leggings/jogging or tracksuit bottoms, a warm top (preferably their school jumper) plus a waterproof coat (no football shirts or multi-coloured kits).


Spring Term Feb 25 PE Forest timetable.png

Forest School


Children will have a series of Forest School sessions during the academic year. Your child will need suitable outdoor clothing such as a named waterproof coat, hat, gloves and wellington boots during these sessions. Children are to wear appropriate outdoor clothes to school plus their school jumper or cardigan for the whole day, bringing an additional pair of shoes to wear indoors. Please see the timetable.




To find out what your child will be learning this term, please visit our Curriculum page. For more information about the National Curriculum, simply speak with your child's Teacher or visit the National Curriculum website.


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Year 2: Gallery items

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Year 2: Calendar items

AmaSing Club, by Miss Foy

AmaSing Club, by Miss Foy

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