Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs King

Mrs King

4K Class Teacher

Miss Cotgreave

Miss Cotgreave

4C Class Teacher




Welcome to Year 4


If you are in Team 4K Class, your Class Teacher is Mrs King. If you are in Team 4C Class, your Class Teacher is Miss Cotgreave. Year 4 Classes are supported by Mrs Clark, Miss Davis and Mis Boaden, our Teaching Assistants.

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Key Information for This Term 


  • Children should wear full uniform and black school shoes each day unless they have PE or Forest School, in which case, they should arrive wearing their kit. They will remain in their kit all day.

  • Children should not need to bring pencil cases, PE kits or other personal items to school. Children will be provided with their own stationery for use in school.

  • Children should bring a water bottle with their name marked on it.

  • School meals for children in Year 3 – 6 can be paid for via School Gateway as normal unless eligible for free school meals. There will be a choice of hot food and sandwiches each day for those children who order a school meal.

  • Staff will encourage hand hygiene and positive hygiene practices throughout the day.



Each week we expect children to complete a Maths task andEnglish task, read four times (record in Reading Record) and complete three games on TT Rockstars. Homework will be set every Thursday. It needs to be completed by the following Tuesday. 


The children have completed a baseline test to identify which of the Year 3/4 common exception words they can currently spell. These have been highlighted on a word list in the front of their homework books. Each half term the children will identify which of the Year 3/4 common exception words they can't yet spell. They will then focus on learning these at home over the half term using their red spelling journal. There will be a half termly spelling test where we will update their spelling sheet to add new words they can now spell. In class, we will be focusing on learning the Year 4 spelling patterns. These will also be sent home each half term to be practised. 


Times Tables

Children receive a heat map regularly to update you about your child's progress. in Year four, children are learning all of their timestables. in Year three they learnt 3, 4, 8 and in Year two, 2, 5 and 10.



It is expected that they read at home a minimum of four times each week. Please let us know what your child is reading in their Reading Record.


If your child is finding any part of  the homework difficult, encourage them to use a dictionary or the internet for help. Alternatively, they can ask their Class Teacher who will be happy to help.


Useful Websites for Additional Learning




Children will have PE twice a week. 


Year 2 – 6 children will have PE outdoors and therefore will need to wear their outdoor PE kit to school. They do not need to bring their school uniform to school. In warm weather, children can wear black/navy shorts and a plain white t-shirt. In cooler weather, children can wear grey/navy/black leggings/jogging or tracksuit bottoms, a warm top (preferably their school jumper) plus a waterproof coat (no football shirts or multi-coloured kits).


Spring Term Feb 25 PE Forest timetable.png

Forest School


Children will have a series of Forest School sessions during the academic year. Your child will need suitable outdoor clothing such as a named waterproof coat, hat, gloves and wellington boots for these sessions. Children are to wear appropriate outdoor clothes to school plus their school jumper or cardigan for the whole day, bringing an additional pair of shoes to wear indoors. Please see timetable above.





To find out what your child will be learning this term, please visit our Curriculum page. For more information about the National Curriculum, simply speak with your child's Teacher or visit the National Curriculum website.


Files to Download

Year 4: Gallery items

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Year 4: Calendar items

Y4-6 Dodgeball Club, by Miss Foy

AmaSing Club, by Miss Foy

Student Login