Our school values are at the heart of our everything we do in school. We aim to provide high quality learning opportunities which help foster these values within children. Our values are:
Endurance and
Bullying is any action taken persistently by one or more individuals with the deliberate intention of harming another child, either verbally, physically or emotionally.
Bullying should not be confused with thoughtless behaviour or the ‘rough and tough’ play stage that many young children go through.
We must make sure that children are given the opportunity to learn about their own and others behaviour without fear of being labelled.
We recognise that bullying can take place in the classroom, playground, toilets, on the journey to and from school, on residential trips and cyberspace. It can take place during the school day, in the classroom, in the corridor or toilets, on the playground, out of school whilst on residential visits, day visits, in group activities and between families in the local community.
We aim to tackle bullying in its variety of forms swiftly and thoroughly.
Our Year 6 children considered what bullying meant to them and how it could affect others. They wrote some poems to describe their thoughts.