Please don't hesitate to contact the school if you have any further questions. 


What time does school open and close?
Information about school opening and closing times can be found in Our School Day.


My child has to attend an appointment during the school day. What shall I do?
As a school we have a duty of care to ensure that all children registered with us are kept safe. Pupils with hospital, dental or medical appointments during school time should be brought to school unless their appointment is before 9:30am and must be collected by a parent/carer from the School Office. This must be confirmed in writing or on presentation of the appointment card. Children should be brought back to school after their appointment, as soon as possible. 


How do I inform school of a change of address?
Please fill in a Change in Details form and either email or drop it in to School Office. Paper copies are available from the School Office.

What shall I do if my child is ill?
If your child is unwell it is essential that you inform us on the first day of illness by telephoning the school office by 9.30am. Please state your child’s name, class and a specific reason for their absence. When a child is absent with no explanation, we instigate a first response process to establish their whereabouts and reason for non-attendance. This may be by SMS text message or phone call. If your child will be absent for longer than one day, please update us each day of their absence. If your child is absent due to sickness and diarrhoea, we ask that they not return for 48 hours following the last episode.

It is very important that the school knows about any diagnosed medical conditions your child may have such as eczema, asthma, allergies etc. Please complete a medical form which can be obtained from the School Office.

From time to time accidents occur or children become ill. It is important that the school has an address and telephone number where parents can be contacted in an emergency. Please inform the school office if there is any change to your emergency contact details.


I need to inform school of a change in my child's medical needs.
If there has been a change in your child's medical needs then please contact the School Office to pass on the new information. The information will be passed on to your child's Class Teacher. In some cases a medical care plan may be necessary and so we will contact you to complete this.


My child has been prescribed medicine that needs to be given during the school day.
With your permission, Staff can administer medicine to your child upon request. Please fill in a Request to Administer Medicine form and hand it in to the School Office. (Paper copies are available from the School Office). The School Office Team will store and administer medicine as required. Please remember to collect your child's medication at the end of the day. As a safety precaution, we are unable to pass the medicine direct to your child.


What do I need to know about the school uniform?
The school has a uniform because we believe that it helps our children to take a pride in their appearance and to develop their self-confidence while also nurturing a sense of pride in belonging to the school. The uniform that we have chosen is smart and practical and we ask that all parents support our school dress code. Please read our School Uniform guide for all the information you need.


What do I need to know about PE?
Information about when your child's PE lessons can be found in the year group timetables  under the Classes section of our website. Simply click your child's year group and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Information about the PE Kit can be found in the School Uniform section.


What if something gets lost?
For lost property, please see your child’s Class Teacher in the first instance or check in the Lost Property boxes by the School Office. Please ensure that all belongings are clearly named - uniform, PE kit, book bags, lunch boxes etc.

How do I pay for school lunches?
From the start of Year 3 (Key Stage 2) you must pay for a school lunches at the cost of £2.40 for each meal. This should be paid in advance either online via the School Gateway or via credit/debit card at the School Office.


How do I pay for school trips?
School trips can be paid either online via the School Gateway or via credit/debit card at the School Office.


Can I take my child out of school for a holiday?
If you wish to apply for a leave of absence for your child, please ensure that you have referred to the Attendance Policy. Due to changes in legislation, only absence requests with exceptional circumstances will be granted.

If Parents/Carers make the decision to go ahead and take their children out of school for a family holiday this will be documented as an Unauthorised Absence and fixed penalty fine may be issued.

Request for Time Out of School form must still be completed and returned to the School Office for attention of the Headteacher. Paper copies are available from the School Office.


How do I apply for a place for my child at Hoole CE Primary?
To apply for any places in our school you must do so through Cheshire West and Chester Council's Admissions Team.

School Admissions
Cheshire West & Chester Council
Wyvern House
The Drumber

Tel: 0300 123 7039
Fax: 01606 862 100

You can also apply online. For more information, please visit:

To arrange a viewing of our school prior to making an application, please contact the School Office.

If your child is a new reception starter, please look out for dates of important open evenings on our twitter and Events Calendar.

What does your “Church Status” mean?
Being a Church School spiritually enhances us. If Christ was to walk into our school, would He feel welcome, valued and “at home”? Our identity as a Church of England Controlled School lies at the heart of our ethos and we enjoy close links with our school church in Hoole, All Saints. Our commitment to sharing our Christian identity is embedded within our Vision and Values and the curriculum as a whole. Whilst embracing our Christian Ethos, we also encourage pupils to explore faith in its widest context and welcome families of all faiths as part of our school family. The school encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian Values. Whilst respecting the beliefs of others, we encourage pupils to explore faith in its widest context and welcome families of all faiths as part of our school family. We encourage children to value their place in the school community, recognising the support, care and love that the school family can give. We seek to share this vision across the community in the way we promote moral and cultural values.

Collective Worship forms our thoughts for the week and explores how this can contribute to our wider understanding of the world. We celebrate the diverse groups which form our school population. We enjoy weekly led worship led by the Head teacher, members of staff and taken by the Church Team from All Saints Church and “Open the Book”. We have an active and affirming relationship with our Church and visit other places of worship throughout the year to enrich our understanding of faith and to enjoy major celebrations from the Christian Calendar. Religious Education is taught according to the Cheshire Agreed Syllabus. Key questions are posed as pupils are encouraged to explore religious ideas, concepts and behaviour regardless of their religious commitment. This includes developing an awareness of the religious beliefs, practices and values of the Christian Faith but also takes into account the teaching and practices of other principal religions.

Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from Collective Worship and in such cases should approach the Head Teacher to discuss alternative options.


How can I find out how my child is progressing?

We communicate with you regarding your child’s progress in a variety of ways across the school year.

We hold termly Parents’ Evenings for you to come into school, celebrate your child’s work and discuss their progress with their class teacher. In addition, we send home an update of the targets your child is working towards in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. In Reception, you are informed of the next steps your child is being supported to achieve on a regular basis.

Special workshops, honours assemblies and class based activities are arranged throughout the year to invite you to join with us in celebrating effort and achievement.

Our school website is continuously being updated with information to support parents/carers and we hold regular workshops throughout the year, targeted at families with children in Reception right up to Year six. Information about these events is available in the Parents/Carers section of the website. In addition, the Curriculum section of the website contains useful information about what children learn as they journey through the school.

We are delighted to work in partnership with parents/carers and additional meetings with your child’s class teacher may be arranged at any time via the School Office.


I need to pass on a message to a class teacher.
If you wish to contact a Class Teacher regarding a query, please feel free to see them at the end of the school day when collecting your child. Alternatively you can pass a message to the Class Teacher via the member of staff that is at the gate in the morning or by popping into the School Office.


I need to pass on a message to my child.
If you need to pass on an important message to a child, please contact the School Office on 01244 323890.


My child has special needs. Who do I talk to?
We can meet a variety of special needs in school. Please discuss your child’s needs with their Class Teacher. The Inclusion Leader will be happy to meet with you to discuss any specific concerns.


What if I can’t pick up my child from school?
If you cannot pick your child up from school and have designated someone to do this in your place, you must notify the School Office. If you are going to be unavoidably late, please also notify the School Office so that arrangements can be made to keep your child safe whilst we are waiting for you.


I have a concern. Who do I speak to?
If you have any concerns about your child in school then we are here to listen and help. There are a number of ways that you can let us know about your concern. Please choose the one that is most helpful for you:

  • Contact your child's Class Teacher at the end of the school day to discuss your concern or to make an appointment with them if you need to talk with them privately
  • Phone the School Office to make an appointment to speak to your child's Class Teacher or our Learning Mentor. Your message will be passed on them and a mutually convenient time can be agreed to meet.

The Class Teacher is always the best person to contact as they know your child and have day to day contact with them. If the issue is urgent and requires the attention of our Head Teacher, Deputy Head or Learning Mentor, please contact the School Office on 01244 323890.

If you have met with the Class Teacher and then passed your concern on to the Senior Leadership Team and are still not satisfied it is vital that you make an appointment to meet with the Head Teacher. We are sure that we can work with you to resolve your concerns.
If you are still not satisfied with the outcome, then please refer to our Complaints Policy.


How do I contact a Governor?
If you would like to contact the Governors, please pop in to the School Office and leave your name and contact details. Alternatively, write a letter or email marked "confidential" and forward it to the School Office who will pass it to the Chair of Governors on your behalf.


I would like to get involved with the PTA.
Please contact the School Office, leaving your name and contact details, and we will pass them onto the Chair of the PTA for you. Alternatively, email [email protected] for more information of how to get involved.

I would like to know more about GDPR.

For general questions or advice about the school’s data protection procedures or to alert us to any issues you may have in the way we may handle your or your child’s information please contact:


Mrs Clare Watling 

[email protected]

01244 323890


If you prefer, you may contact the School’s independent Data Protection Officer direct at:


Phil Orchard

Schools Data Protection Officer

Cheshire West and Chester Council,

3rd Floor South,

Civic Way,

4 Civic Way,

Ellesmere Port,

CH65 0BE

[email protected]


You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office using the following details:


Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)

The Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




08456 306060 or 01625 545745

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