Pupil Committees

At Hoole Church of England Primary School, we are committed to supporting children’s understanding of British values including democracy. We seek to enable pupils to build the positive skills and attitudes which will ensure that they are active, productive and tolerant citizens, able to make a positive contribution to the community they live in.

In order to achieve this, children are provided with many opportunities to make a positive contribution to their school community.

Children of all ages are encouraged to take on roles and responsibilities in school. Some jobs are allocated following a democratic voting process.

Hoole Church of England pupils make a difference to the world around them in the following roles:

  • Collective worship leaders
  • Membership of the Ethos Team
  • House of Hoole Council Representatives
  • Global Citizens
  • Peer buddies offering mentoring and support for younger pupils throughout the school year
  • Junior Safety Officers
  • PAC (Punctuality and Attendance Crew)
  • Sports Leaders
  • Classroom ambassadors
  • Playground Leaders

Some of the ways in which pupils have made a positive contribution include:

  • Developing the school Parking Charter with Cheshire West & Chester Road Safety team and launching this for parents and carers;
  • Raising money for a variety of local and national charitable causes including Bren’s Bikes, Stick & Step and Comic Relief;
  • Leading on organising charity events to sponsor a penguin at Chester Zoo and taking part in a charity fun run;
  • Supporting the review of school systems and policies, providing pupil feedback to help shape developments in key areas including collective worship and reviewing the anti-bullying policy;  
  • Engagement in the recruitment process for senior staff;
  • Year 6 organised and delivered a workshop for parents/carers on the theme of Internet Safety for Safer Internet Day;
  • Promoting recycling and raising awareness of issues such as plastic pollution and the impact on wildlife and the environment.


Hoole Church of England School Council  

In order to support the school leaders in improving our school, we have a House of Hoole who meet regularly to discuss and arrange lots of different things that make our school better. Our House of Hoole is structured like the UK government with different ministers holding responsibility for different areas of the school.

We have the following elected roles on our parliament: 

a Prime Minister and Deputy, a Chancellor, a Home Secretary, a Clerk and ministers for Sport, Charities, Health and Wellbeing, Safety and Environment, Education, Ethos and Values and Ambassadors for Behaviour.

All classes from Years 1 to 6 are represented within the House of Hoole and these representatives act as points of contact between the school leaders and the classes. 



Global Citizens

The Global Citizen Committee is made up of three representatives from each class, from Year three upwards. The aim of the Global Citizens is to address environmental issues and promote sustainability by ensuring that all members of the school community reduce waste and work towards lowering energy consumption.


Junior Safety Officers

We have two Year six representatives as Junior Safety Officers, promoting awareness and delivering important messages regarding issues such as road safety to the school community in a fun and innovative way.


Friendship Force

We have forty members of our school Friendship Force. The Friendship Force will help us to ensure that everyone in our school family enjoy positive friendships and feels happy, safe and welcome.


The Ethos Team

The Ethos Team work with Mrs Inns to extend, develop and support the Christian ethos of our school in order to embed Christian values and ensure that our environment reflects the Christian nature of the school.


Pupil Forum (EIP) 

Our pupil forum is made up of children from local primary, secondary and special schools. We have representatives from Year 5 in 9 local primaries, one high school and one special school. The purposes of the forum are to build relationships between the schools and to work together with children from other schools to achieve shared goals. The children meet every half term - initially during lockdown restrictions we met remotely, but now we meet in person. The children have been part of a number of initiatives so far including fundraising for charities overseas and closer to home. We raised money for Toilet Twinning, and were able to twin a toilet block in a school in Nigeria and a tap in DRC. We also raised money for the Chester based charity Kidsbank. In the next school year, our focus is on mental health and identifying all that we do across the schools to promote good mental health in schools. Our forum this year was launched with a meeting at school with our local MP, Chris Matheson who met with the children and answered their questions about his work and on a range of matters that are important to them such as renewable energy, electric cars,  litter, and the fuel crisis. 

PAC Committee

The Punctuality & Attendance Crew work with Ms Williamson, our Attendance Officer, to promote positive attendance and punctuality. PAC members are always busy! Over recent terms they have planned and delivered assemblies about attendance and punctuality and organised competitions for children of all ages. Suggestions from PAC members has enabled us to extend the range of rewards we offer to recognise and encourage positive attendance and punctuality.



The Year five Playleaders team are busy every lunchtime! Their role is to organise outdoor games for children in younger years. Playleaders set out equipment and lead exciting activities which help children to enjoy active play, make friends and follow rules. Their games support children in building positive play habits and extending physical literacy. The Playleaders also set an example as compassionate, kind and tolerant friends, helping other to develop these personal qualities.


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