Curriculum Information

Parent Workshops and Information Sessions 

We are committed to building positive and productive relationships with parents and carers in order to support children’s learning and development.  

Across the academic year, we hold a programme of workshops and information sessions to help build families’ skills and confidence in supporting their children at home.  

Workshops may be about our general approach to teaching and learning, while others will offer an insight into specific curriculum subjects or areas of learning.   

We aim to help parents understand the rationale for our approach, while also offering practical advice for ways they can support their children at home.  

Our schedule for workshops and learning events this academic year is shown below. 



We contact parents via email with instructions of how to book on to upcoming workshops well in advance.   

If you are interested in a workshop but cannot make the date, we will upload the documents and presentations below.  

We have had some brilliant parent feedback already - "Thank you for inviting me to come along. I think that the sessions are really going to help us to support our child at home as he goes through school.” 

If you have a suggestion for a workshop you feel would be beneficial to parents/carers, please email this to us at [email protected] 



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