Story Shack

Our School Story Shack 

We are committed to supporting our school family in every possible way.

At the front of our school, we have a blue cabin which houses our Story Shack and our Uniform Union.

Our Story Shack is our very own school library so pupils at Hoole are never short of something exciting to read!

The Story Shack contains a wide variety of books, educational toys and games suitable for readers and players of all ages.

There are fiction and non-fiction books to suit every interest for children to enjoy independently or with a member of their family.



Any member of our may borrow books or games to enjoy for as long as they wish. There is no need to sign out books or have any special library ticket. Children and their families may access the Story Shack and choose what they would like. Our only condition is that items are returned in good condition, with no missing pages or pieces, so that they can be enjoyed again in the future.

The Story Shack is open every school day from 8am to 4.30pm. Parents/carers can also access it during INSET Days. If the door is locked on INSET days, the key is available from the school office.


The Story Shack supports us in ensuring that children develop a love of reading for pleasure. It ensures that all children have access to a wide range of reading materials, authors and genres. This is particularly important if they unable to access a public library or have limited reading resources at home.

The loan of educational games and toys supports pupils in building social skills, such as turn taking and working collaboratively, and problem-solving skills.

Providing this service also enables us to promote a positive message about sustainability, recycling and reusing items to our school family.

What do our parents/carers say about our Story Shack?

“My child really enjoys having a new game of book to borrow. It also helps him to understand that it is good to donate stuff too for other people to enjoy. The Uniform Union is fantastic for saving money and waste.”

“We have used the Story Shack. My daughter loves to go in there to borrow books and it is more convenient that always going to the library.”

“The Uniform Union is the best thing you have done. It helps parents out so much.”

Uniform Union – “Absolutely amazing idea. Saving a lot of money on uniforms and most importantly, recycling.”

“Items were organised neatly and labelled in size. We found the organisation and labelling extremely helpful when looking for a complete set of clothes. We have also used the Uniform Union to recycle old out-grown uniform items. We love the idea of re-using uniform which is in good condition and reducing waste and costs.”

“Oh we absolutely love the Story Shack! We are there a minimum of two or three times a week!”

“It’s so nice to have a mini-library which is accessible for the children.”

“My child loves visiting the Story Shack after school and choosing a book or a puzzle. It kept him entertained on long, dark Winter afternoons after school.”

“We’ve used both the Story Shack and Uniform Union. We have picked up a couple of jumpers for my son and given away uniform which my daughter has outgrown. We also took several books to read and games to play since children like something new to play with all the time. This is a great way to exchange books and games.”

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